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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Plague

This sucks. Either I've got round 2 of the plague from last week, or a brand-spanking new form of the plague.

I can't tell you how annoying this is. Can someone please pull my head out of the bucket of water its apparently in? What's that you say? No, seriously, what? I can't hear you. I can't hear anything but the ocean in my head. Maybe I'm turning into a hermit crab, kindof like how that guy turned into a giant cockroach in Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.

Sleeping was 1,000 ways of fun last night. No tissues in the house, so I slept hugging my trusty roll of TP. Does a nose wonders! By the way, as a word of warning, the Kleenex antiviral tissues (stopped at the grocery store this morning), giving the TP a run of its money in the "slowly disintegrating the skin on my nose" contest.

Ally better not get this. She can't afford to get sick again. OH! I got her in with the Ped GI's. Appt's tomorrow. Talk about luck, I called right after a cancellation. If not, they were booking end of May/beginning of June.

Off to drug up. Serenity Now!